Restarting a deal from scratch when an online customer walks into the store is unacceptable to most buyers today, says Gubagoo President Brad Title. - IMAGE: Gubagoo

Restarting a deal from scratch when an online customer walks into the store is unacceptable to most buyers today, says Gubagoo President Brad Title.

IMAGE: Gubagoo

Gubagoo, a provider of digital retailing and conversational commerce for automotive dealerships, launched an offering it calls the In-store Experience.

The agnostic offering provides a sleek experience for the customer, whether they’re shopping online, at the dealership, or going back and forth between the two. With the In-store Experience, both the customer and dealer can navigate the deal at any time, resulting in a smooth, seamless and transparent car buying experience.

“95% of car buyers have a blended buying experience, starting online and finishing in-store. Restarting a deal from scratch when an online customer walks into the store is unacceptable to most buyers today,” said Gubagoo President Brad Title. “It wastes their time and your salespeople's time.”

The In-store Experience eliminates that common point of customer frustration by modernizing dealerships’ online and in-store platforms. Now, salespeople can use an iPad or desktop device to start, continue or complete a deal when a customer transitions into the dealership.

Below is a peek at some of the many upgrades the new In-store Experience provides once a customer starts the buying process online and transitions to the store:

  • Customers will see orders, favorites and viewed vehicles in an easy-to-navigate My Vehicles tab.
  • Dealers will have access to all the tools available to them for helping customers in the purchase process through the Dealer Toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
  • Dealers will be able to search for an existing customer within Gubagoo via the Customer Search tool.
  • Gubagoo’s Offer Builder allows the salesperson to change a deal structure on the spot to keep customers moving through the purchase process.

“This new in-person tool serves the blended buyer type with the same exact buying experience they started online and want to finish in-store,” Title said. “To avoid giving your customers a disjointed buying experience and to maximize your staff’s time, the In-store Experience is the ultimate choice. It’s why we say: In-store, online. One experience.”


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